Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Beginning Anew

 Hello, and welcome! This is the start of my writing blog. So glad to finally get it started.

I had read from many writers about blogging one's writing endeavors and how helpful it had been for them to get word out about their latest works, for networking, and for a sounding board to get a clearer idea on their works. Good idea, I said. I'll start a blog, I said. That was several years ago.

I had a writing blog which lasted four months. And even in those four months I didn't blog as much as I should. I even joined a blog challenge to post certain days on certain topics to get it moving but...well. I decided to close it. Why? It became a chore, and if I were to invest in time and energy I would invest it on my novels. And then there was that insidious writer's block. Good grief, I couldn't even write a blog title much less a post. I even retitled the blog, "writer in search of a title". I did get one comment though, on the clever title. I was also looking for a job without success and that took up most of my thought. Broke, writer's block, and blogging was a chore. Three strikes, blog's out.

Fast forward to today. My travel nursing job did get momentum. Still broke, though. But I'm working on leaving an expensive state for a cheaper one, and a change in lifestyle. Yes, worrying is a lifestyle. More on that later. Writer's block? Yes, I get that sometimes. But, to go back to blogging about writers and writing and my novels? Yes, and this time, it's for fun. Fun! Write in a blog, for fun! And not fret about not posting anything. This time I believe I will have things to blog about, even if I ramble, whine, and rant.

So thus I begin.